स्वगृहे पूज्यते मूर्खः स्वग्रामे पूज्यते प्रभुः।
स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान्सर्वत्र पूज्यते॥
"A fool is worshipped at his home.
A chief is worshipped in his town.
A king is worshipped in his kigdom.
A knowledgable person is worshipped everywhere."
न चोरहार्यं न च राजहार्यं न भ्रातृभ्राज्यं न च भारकारि।
व्यये कृते वर्धत एव नित्यं विद्याधनं सर्वधनप्रधानम्॥
"It cannot be stolen by a thief.
It cannot taken away by a King.
It cannot be divided among brothers.
It does not cause load. It always increses when spent.
The wealth of knowledge is the greatest of all wealths."
विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्।
पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम्॥
"Knowledge gives humility, from humility, one attains character;
From character, one acquires wealth; from wealth good deeds (righteousness) follow and then happiness"
“When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, everything is lost.”
" If you fight, you may not always win, but if you don't fight, you will surely lose."