R.P. Sharma Institute of Technology

(Run under Patna Educational Development Trust, Patna)
Approved By AICTE, New Delhi | Recognized By Dept. of Science & Technology,
Govt. of Bihar | Affiliated to Aryabhatta knowledge Uni., Patna & SBTE Patna


This institute is proud of its well-stocked library and a well furnished spacious reading hall with books, magazines and periodicals covering various subjects. The library has a rich collection of valuable books, journals, reference and CD ROM Databases.

The Institute Library and reading hall is kept open during the 10:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M on all working days. Students may borrow books from library as per the rules. Annual stock taking of the institute library is generally done during summer vacation. Issue and return of books remain suspended during this period.

  • Guidelines to students:

    •  Silence shall be strictly observed inside the library
    •  Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the library
    •  Books, journals, other documents, library equipments, etc., should be handled with care
    •  Students have to leave ten minutes before the closing hour of library
    •  Marking, underlining, writing or defacing the books in the library in any form, if detected, will lead to fining and other punishments
    •  Students will have to produce identity card along with the library card at the time of issue of books and other library documents
    •  Period of loan is fifteen days for students.
    •  Users have to examine the books carefully and report damages if any to the assistant on the duty. The borrower will be held responsible for any damage discovered subsequent to the issue of book to him
    •  If an issued book is lost or damaged, the matter should be reported to the Librarian immediately. Borrower has to replace it with a new copy of the same edition/ subsequent edition within the due date. If it is not available in the market, Two times the cost of the book and the fine upto the date on which the book is replaced are to be paid

Present Fine Structure

Category Loan period Fine structure
Faculty and staff 2 months 50 ps/day up to 1 week, thereafter Rs. 1/day up to 1 month,Rs 2/day up to two months and then Rs.5/day till the book is returned / replaced
Students 15 days Rs. 2/day up to 1 week, thereafter Rs. 5/day up to 29 days, and then cost of book with fine.
Loss of book, on reporting Replace with a new copy of the same book or a fine of 2 times the cost of book.